Saturday, March 21, 2009

Book Boy reviews oranges!

Today Book Boy reviews oranges. We got it [navel oranges] at the farmer's market. We got blood oranges from our friends. And now, which ones is best:

Best look: blood red
Best smell: blood red
Best taste: blood red
Best overall: blood red

Blood red oranges are delicious!

Book Family reviews:
Book Mom and Book Dad liked like navel oranges best. Book Brother liked both oranges and also liked carrots but we weren't reviewing carrots.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Four Mice Deep in the Jungle

Book Boy says:
This book is a 4 star because it wasn't a mystery but it was an adventure in the jungle.

Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The Mecha-Monkeys From Mars

Book Boy says:

This book is a five star. Well, it is just more exciting than the other books and different drawing instructions for Ricky Ricotta.

Book Mom says:

We bought 3 books from the Ricky Ricotta series at the thrift store for 50 cents each. I didn't realize until we got home that they are by the author of Captain Underpants which we have avoid thus far. I need to dig a little deeper in to this Ricky Ricotta fellow before I can write my review.